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Using a Shared, Centrally Managed QA Environment vs. an Individual Environment: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Personal Experience

Oleksandra Melnikova discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using shared vs individual test environments and provides the results of her survey intended to gather the preferences and reasoning from QA professionals.

Oleksandra Melnikova's picture Oleksandra Melnikova
Bottleneck The Test Data Bottleneck and How to Solve It

Test data is one of the major bottlenecks in testing processes. By simplifying test data, we can solve this bottleneck by tackling four major challenges.

Maarten Urbach's picture Maarten Urbach
How to Make 100 Releases Per Day with Only 6 Quality Engineers

Evgeny Tkachenko outlines how, at Wayfair, they are able to release code to production hundreds of times per day, with only six Quality Engineers.

Evgeny Tkachenko's picture Evgeny Tkachenko
Top 10 Top 10 Most-Read StickyMinds Articles of 2020

Don't miss out on the top 10 most-read StickyMinds articles of the year. Topics covered include tools, approaches to testing, frameworks, and more.

Allison Scholz's picture Allison Scholz
seven Seven Essentials for DevOps Success

The success of DevOps depends on the team’s ability to have the right mix of human judgment, culture, process, tools, and automation. Here are seven essentials to help you be cautious and prepare for your DevOps journey.

Jagadish Anandhan's picture Jagadish Anandhan
laptop What Are the Uses for a Vulnerability Scanner?

Today's hyper-connected world calls for extreme vigilance and knowledge of the ever-present threat of cyberattacks. These cyberattacks typically exploit vulnerabilities to breach your networks. What better way to prevent these attacks than to conduct regular vulnerability scans?

Jordan MacAvoy's picture Jordan MacAvoy
Measurement Choosing the Right Testing Metrics

Testing always looks to provide more information in order to have less uncertainty and better control over risk, but that information has to be analyzed carefully.


Federico Toledo's picture Federico Toledo
Hacker Why Security Vulnerability Assessments Are Necessary

The growing menace of cybercrime has necessitated vulnerability assessments and testing. They help organizations understand their security flaws and work toward mitigating them.

Akshaya Choudhary's picture Akshaya Choudhary
embrace Three Ways to Help Developers Embrace Testing

Development teams that shift testing left discover bugs earlier, enhance developer productivity, and increase release velocity by avoiding the long and costly delays that occur when bugs are discovered at the end of the development cycle. Shifting left creates faster feedback loops and allows for faster bug remediation. 

Alissa Lydon's picture Alissa Lydon
Man Learning Java for QA Automation Engineers: How to Learn?

If you are a manual tester and want to be a QA automation engineer, learn Java and programming via these 10 steps.

John  Selawsky's picture John Selawsky


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